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Reflexology Lymph Drainage (RLD)

What is Lymphoedema?

Lymphoedema is characterised by swelling of certain parts of the body when excess fluid fails to drain from the tissues. It is usually caused by problems with the lymphatic system and any part of the body can be affected.


Most commonly secondary lymphoedema targets the arms and legs, often as a result of surgery to remove lymph nodes as part of cancer treatment.


Women who have undergone surgery and radiotherapy for treatment of breast cancer are particularly susceptible to lymphoedema of the arm and, sometimes, the adjacent chest wall on the affected side.


Men and women who have had surgery and radiotherapy for the treatment of cancer of the prostate, bowel or reproductive systems are also prone to lymphoedema of the legs or groin areas.


Primary lymphoedema can be present at birth or develop through childhood.


Around 300,000 Australians will experience lymphoedema at any given time. â€‹â€‹



What is Reflexology Lymph Drainage (RLD)


The RLD technique focuses on stimulating the lymphatic reflexes on the feet. It is a unique reflexology sequence that has been researched and developed specifically for secondary lymphoedema by Sally Kay BSc(Hons) whilst working in Cancer Care.


It was developed specifically to help post-breast cancer lymphoedema but has been used to ease many other auto-immune conditions to great effect.


The aim is to cause an effect on the lymphatic system in the body.



Benefits of Reflexology Lymph Drainage (RLD)?


Clinical experience and further evidence from a growing number of case studies have been shown that RLD stimulates and encourages the draining of excess lymph fluid with some amazing results..​


Read more about the many benefits of RLD​


Read more about the research program





‘I feel like I’ve got my arm back.’

‘I feel good about myself and it has helped my confidence. The sleeves on my clothes feel looser.’

‘I can make a fist’.

'I feel normal again.'

What’s involved in the Reflexology treatment?


Depending on the presenting lymphoedema, measurements are taken of both the affected and non-affected limb in order to evaluate the excess fluid. This is followed by a reflexology lymph drainage (RLD) treatment, focusing specifically on the lymphatic system. 


This treatment is non-invasive and incredibly relaxing and involves precise, gentle massage movements on specific parts of the feet.  After each reflexology session a further set of measurements are taken and from the collected data are then able to calculate the fluid loss achieved.  We will then discuss an on-going treatment plan that suits each individual client’s requirement aimed at delivering the best possible outcome.



Benefits for other related conditions


Although the research to date is specific to secondary lymphoedema in patients affected by treatment for breast cancer, clinical experience and further evidence from a growing body of case studies suggests RLD may be useful for clients with non-cancer related auto-immune disorders eg rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, allergies, migraines and many other inflammatory diseases:


  • Arthritis

  • Asthma

  • Chronic Fatigue

  • Eczema

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Headaches

  • ME

  • Muscular Tension

  • PMS


When is RLD not suitable?


A consultation prior to treatment is essential in order to identify any of these contra-indications:


  • Pulmonary Embolism

  • DVT (including those induced by chemotherapy)

  • Cellulitis

  • Unstable heart conditions

  • Kidney failure

  • Undiagnosed swelling

Reflexology is a natural holistic complementary therapy that can be used alongside conventional medicine.

It does not claim to diagnose, treat or prescribe.


If you have any medical concerns, please contact your GP.

CALL 0408 311 079
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